

vt.& vi. 走; 步行; 散步 n. 步行; 步态; 人行道; 步行的路径 vi. 行走; 陪伴…走; 徒步旅行; 不翼而飞 vt. 牵着(动物)走,遛,赶着…走

1. Do not wait for good things to happen to you. You need to walk towards happiness. 不要等待好事降临,你要向幸福进发。

2. She went for a brisk walk to work off her frustration. 她快步走了一会儿,以排解心中的沮丧。

3. A stiff knee following surgery forced her to walk with a limp. 手术后她的膝盖活动不便,走路时被迫跛行。

4. \Can you walk all right?\ the nurse asked him. “你走路有困难吗?”护士问他。

5. She noticed her own proud walk had become a shuffle. 她意识到自己趾高气扬的步伐已变成了拖着脚走路了。



1、France  读音:英 [frɑ?ns] 美 [fr?ns]    n. 法国We are going to France to spend our holidays.我们将去法国度假。

2、England 读音:英 ['??ɡl?nd] 美 ['??ɡl?nd]    n. 英格兰;英国The big match tonight is England versus Spain.今晚的大赛是英格兰对西班牙。

3、China 读音:英 ['t?a?n?] 美 ['t?a?n?]    n. 中国n. [小写]瓷器北京是中国的首都。

4、Japan  读音:英 [d??'p?n] 美 [d??'p?n]    n. 日本japann. 亮漆;漆器v. 用亮漆装饰;涂亮漆They took a trip to Japan last year.他们去年去日本旅行。

5、America 读音:英 [?'mer?k?] 美 [?'mer?k?]    n. 美国;美洲Are you going to America by boat or by plane?你到美国是坐船还是坐飞机?

6、Australia 读音:英 [?'stre?l??] 美 [?'strelj?]    n. 澳大利亚My foreign teacher came from Australia.我的外籍教师来自澳大利亚。

7、Canada 读音:英 ['k?n?d?] 美 ['k?n?d?]    n. 加拿大(位于北美洲北部)The maple leaf is the emblem of Canada.枫叶是加拿大的象征。

8、Germany  读音:英 ['d???m?ni] 美 ['d???rm?ni]    n. 德国Germany is a European country.德国是一个欧洲国家。

9、Italy 读音:英 ['?t?li] 美 ['?t?li]    n. 意大利Italy is a peninsula.意大利是一个半岛。

10、Russia 读音:英 ['r???] 美 ['r???]    n. 俄罗斯Moscow is the capital of Russia.莫斯科是俄罗斯的首都。


Last Saturday the weather was fine . Our fa mily went to the countryside to have a picnic . We drove about one hour and found a wide and open area to stop . We ate delicious food while we admired the scenery of the countryside .



读音:英 ['si?zn]   美 ['si?zn]    

season的基本意思是“季节”,即一年中有某个特点的时期,可指每年以气候为标志的“时节,时令”; 每年以活动为标志的季节; 体育比赛的“赛季”; 某些农业季节; 种植季节; 动物的交配季节; 渔猎季节; 节日,尤指圣诞节节期等。也可指社交繁忙时期、系列专题音乐会、戏剧会演时期等。



双语例句:Winter is the coldest season in a year.



My School Day.I enjoy my life spent at school, because Ican not only learn new knowledge every day, but also I can share myhappiness with my friends. I was on duty for today, so I got up veryearly in the morning and got to school at 6.30 a.m. Then I began toarrange my clas *** ates to clean up our classroom. The first lesson was

English, and I led them to read the text. There were four lessions inthe morning and another three in the afternoon. We took part inafter-school activities after the lessons being finished. I was the laststudent who left school and returned home. It was really an exhausted

but happy day today!



