

付诸东流 [词典] cast [deliver; throw] to the winds; All hope is lost.; be gone with the eastward-flowing streams [wind]; [例句]当时情况就是那样,他的计划只好付诸东流。垍頭條萊

As things stood then, his whole plan had to be cast to the winds.萊垍頭條


across the way。路对面, 街对面,
over the way。路对面, 街对面。
a long way off,在远处, 离得远。
all the way。一路上, 沿路。从远处, 特地,自始至终。all the other way。相反的, 颠倒过来。quite the other way。相反的, 颠倒过来。very much the other way。相反的, 颠倒过来。all the way from... to。在...和...之间。
