

1.Give me a dozen, please.请给我来一打。頭條萊垍

2.He had two dozen oysters and enjoyed every one of them.他吃了两打牡蛎,每一只都吃得津津有味。垍頭條萊

3.The new exhibit will tour a dozen US cities next year.这批新展品明年将在美国十二个城市巡回展出。萊垍頭條

4. Packages arrived by thedozenfrom America. 成打的包裹从美国寄来。萊垍頭條


一、dozen表示“ 打,十二个”的意思,而score表示“二十”的意思。垍頭條萊

二、两词与数词,a , many , several连用修饰名词复数时,都要用单数,其后的介词of有无均可。但是,习惯上score多与of连用,而dozen很少与of连用,如:two score (of) workers,萊垍頭條

three score and ten people,萊垍頭條

several dozen children,萊垍頭條

many dozen books。萊垍頭條

三、两词与of连用(of不省略)时,可用于人称代词宾格(us , you , them)或指示代词(these , those)修饰的名词前,表示所属关系。如:萊垍頭條

a dozen of these / those people條萊垍頭

two dozen of them / us萊垍頭條

a score of these / those workers.萊垍頭條

四、 两词的复数形式与of连用时,表示不确切的数量,意为“许多……,大量的……”。頭條萊垍

如:dozens of people條萊垍頭

dozens of times萊垍頭條

scores of people萊垍頭條

而some dozen people是“一打左右的人”(大约十二人)与some dozen of people同义。(some)dozen of people是“若干打的人”(几十个人,许多人)。垍頭條萊


(pack)in dozens 成打(包装)萊垍頭條

(sell)by the dozen 论打(出售)萊垍頭條

in scores 成批的條萊垍頭


two dozen eggs什么many several 不用记

two dozen of these egges(强调这些用OF,你记的是对的)

dozens of people指很多人,不是确定的数

至于two dozen of them 我给你个句子:Karaoke is so popular in Asia that I've been dragged to at least two dozen of them so far 这里是指二十多个Karaoke House.所以说看语境理解,跟these eggs 的these差不多



一、dozen表示“ 打,十二个”的意思,而score表示“二十”的意思。 二、两词与数词,a,many,several连用修饰名词复数时,都要用单数,其后的介词of有无均可。但是,习惯上score多与of连用,而dozen很少与of连用,如:two score(of)workers,three score and ten people,several dozen children,many dozen books。 三、两词与of连用(of不省略)时,可用于人称代词宾格(us,you,them)或指示代词(these,those)修饰的名词前,表示所属关系。如:a dozen of these/those pelple,two dozen of them/us,a score of these/those workers. 四、 两词的复数形式与of连用时,表示不确切的数量,意为“许多……,大量的……”。如:dozens of people,dozens of times,scores of people.而some dozen people是“一打左右的人”(大约十二人)与some dozen of people同义。(some)dozen of people是“若干打的人”(几十个人,许多人)。 五、除了上述用法之外,还要注意下列习惯用语:(pack)in dozens〔成打(包装)〕,(sell)by the dozen[论打(出售)],in scores(成批的) 练习:1. The woman wanted to buy three____eggs,but there were only two___eggs left inthe shop. A.scores of;dozens of B.scores;dozens C.score of; dozen of D.score of;dozen 2.The goods are packed in____and shipped in____all over the world. A.dozens;scores B.scores;dozens C.dozens;score D.score;dozen 3.The teacher wanted to buy two___books,but the salesgirl only sold him___these books. A.scores of;dozens of B.scores;dozen of C.score of;dozen of D.score of;dozen 答案:1、D 2、A 3、C萊垍頭條


意思:几十个;数十;几十。 读音:英 [?d?znz],美 [?d?z?nz]。 造句: 1、Dozens of doctors and nurses have been working day and night for weeks。 很多医生和护士已经夜以继日地工作数周了。 dozens的用法: dozen表示确切数目是除能与a和基数词连用外,还能some; many; several修饰,只是确切数含糊。如:three dozen books 其中dozen不加s,其后也不用of;如果dozen 后有these,,those,,them,,us等词, 表示“范围中的某某”时,其后加of。垍頭條萊


1. 当它与具体数字连用时,既不加复数词尾-s,也不后接介词of。

2. 当它不与具体数字连用,而是表示不确定的泛指数时,则不仅要加复数词尾-s,而且要后接介词 of。

3.当与 a few, several 等数目不很具体的词连用时,加不加复数词尾-s均可,但需注意:不加复数词尾-s时,其后的介词of可以省略;加词尾-s时,其后介词 of不能省略。

dozen和dozens of的区别及用法?

dozen 意为“一打”“十二”,可做名词,也可做形容词。萊垍頭條


I want a dozen of sticks. 我要一打棍子。(做名词)萊垍頭條

I want a dozen sticks. 我要一打的棍子。(做形容词)萊垍頭條

dozens of 意为“几十的”“几打的”,做形容词,后面一定要接名词或代词。萊垍頭條


There are dozens of birds in the sky. 天空中有几十只鸟。 萊垍頭條
