

strict的基本意思是“严格的,严厉的”,还可作“严谨的,精确的”“绝对的,完全的”解。表示“在某方面严格”用介词in,“对某人严格”用介词with。strict在句中可用作表语或定语,可用 very 修饰。

strict表示“在某方面严格”用介词in;“对某人严格”用介词with。语法固定搭配:be strict with *** .对人严厉;be strict in sth.事情严肃;be strict about/on sth.对事情严肃。



be strict to 例句:Be strict to yourself, be tolerant to others.严以律已,宽以待人。be strict with 例句:You must be strict with them for their healthy growth.为了他们健康成长,你必须严格要求他们。

They were always very strict with their children.(他们对子女一向十分严格)。be strict in后面接物,比如,We should be strict in our study and our work. (我们应该严格要求我们的学习和工作)。

be strict to 例句:Be strict to yourself,be tolerant to others.严以律已,宽以待人。be strict with 例句:You must be strict with them for their healthy growth.为了他们健康成长,你必须严格要求他们。

对某人要求严格要使用词组be strict with db,区别词组be strict in sth,即跟物要用介词 in。

“要求严格的”拼音: yāo qiú yán gé de 要求:明示的、通常隐含的或必须履行的需求或期望 ①“通常隐含”是指组织、顾客和其他相关方的惯例或一般做法,所考虑的需求或期望是不言而喻的。



2、be strict to 例句:Be strict to yourself, be tolerant to others.严以律已,宽以待人。be strict with 例句:You must be strict with them for their healthy growth.为了他们健康成长,你必须严格要求他们。

3、be strict with *** :意为“对某人严格要求”,没有be strict to的用法。但有be strict in (doing) sth 意为“对(做)某事严格要求”。

4、对某人要求严格要使用词组be strict with db,区别词组be strict in sth,即跟物要用介词 in。


“对某人严格要求”的英语是”be strict to/with *** .“。Strict的例句:They were always very strict with their children.他们对子女一向十分严格。

be strict to 例句:Be strict to yourself, be tolerant to others.严以律已,宽以待人。be strict with 例句:You must be strict with them for their healthy growth.为了他们健康成长,你必须严格要求他们。


be strict in没有这个用法噢。be strict about/on sth:对某事严格。be strict with *** :对某人严格。有 be strict in sth,be strict with *** /sth,be strict about sth.其它的没有。都是严格的意思 。

记住:一个简便方法,对待某两者都表示“对……要求严格”,但所指对象不同:be strict with后接人,表示“对某人严格要求”,“对某人严厉”; be strict in后接物,表示“对某事要求严格”。



“对某人严格要求”的英语是”be strict to/with *** .“。Strict的例句:They were always very strict with their children.他们对子女一向十分严格。


strict,形容词,be strict with *** / about sth.for example:例如:The parents are very strict with their children.父母对他们的孩子很严格。

英式发音:strkt 比较级:stricter 最高级:strictest 例句:Soldiers must observe these strict rules.士兵必须遵守这些严格的规定。
