

汤姆的英文:Tom,读音:英[t?m] 美[tɑ:m]。 Tom英[t?m] 美[tɑ:m] n.汤姆(男子名,Thomas的昵称)。Tom的用法示例如下:

1.Tom is hardly distinguishable from his twin brother. 汤姆和他的孪生哥哥几乎令人分辨不出。

2.Tom was too clever for us. 汤姆心太灵了,我们斗不过他。

3.Tom's house is actually in better nick than mine. 说实在的,汤姆家房子的状况比我家的强。

4.Tom celebrated his 24th birthday two days ago. 汤姆两天前庆祝了他的24岁生日。扩展资料:Tom名字性别:男孩英文名。Tom来源语种:古英语、希腊语。Tom名字寓意:太阳之神。Tom名字印象责任感强,为人友善。能言善道,但要记住管住自己的舌头自信,能够为周围的人带来欢乐。有艺术天分,但没有长久的毅力。易受情绪的影响,注意力无法集中。Tom名字含义:太阳之神,Thomas的昵称。Tom相似英文名Toma 托马、Tomas 托马斯、Tomasina 托马西纳、Tomasso 托马索。


Hey,IhavevisitedBeijingforsomedays.It'sawonderfultime.TheGreatWallwassospectacular.Ihavetakenalotphotos.Theyareverybeautiful.IwillsendsomeofthemtoyouassoonasIhavetime.TheBeijingroastduckmake *** ymouthwater.Therealsomanydeliciousfood.Ihopeyoucancomeandplaywithme.Let'sgotoexperienceInterestingthings. bestwishstoyou! Tom


Look, Tom can now clouded, he became a hero. He changed the old when walking, jumping, back straight, like a pirate in the limelight.瞧,汤姆现在可神气了,他成了英雄。他一改往日的蹦蹦跳跳,走路时,腰板挺直,俨然一副受人注目的海盗相。

However, he did not say, that is: \it is believable - so long a dream, no little mistake!\不过,他并没有说出来,那就是:“这不可信——那么长的一个梦,居然没有一点差错!”

Yes, he walked through the crowd, look at them, also ignore what they said, put them not, kids all flocked to behind him, and proud of it. 是的,他从人群中走过时,既不看他们一眼,也不理睬他们说什么,把他们全不当一回事,小家伙们成群结队跟在他身后,并以此为荣。

But if he is worthy of love can get his blessing, he helped through the disaster, there will be no one can just before he died, to *** ile, or to the Lord.不过要是只有配受他爱护的人才能得到他的保佑,由他帮助渡过灾难,那就没有几个人能在临死前,能从容微笑,或是到主那里去安息了。 先给你找了这几句,如果你觉得可以我再找。


The home resembles root, is always leaves home, Home like red cloth, with the mind wandering forever, like the coat will not increase, temperature, but gives people even furnace cannot replace warmth.

2梦像一片雪花 在空中飘舞 想抓住他,他已经融化了

Like a dream in the air blowing snow to seize him, he has melted


Spiders drag to drag the fly, fly tired out after etc, the spider to happily enjoying the delicious meal


I bathed in the bosom of nature, gentle breeze blow lightly stroking temples, all depressed and troubles.


Through the branches are also lighting, trailed, is thirsty sleepy eyes.


Midsummer night, wind blowing, moon slowly after sunset, climbed mountains, hang in transit, the moonlight seems to take a cool and refreshing, driving cool, leaving heat.


Early evening, climb a mountain, the moon hangs in transit, seems to take a cool and refreshing, driving cool, leaving heat.


In march, a winter rain drizzle is silver pear trees.


The cloud in the backdrop, turn into a silver, an orange, a red, a reddish purple, like beautiful fairy in air quivered multicoloured brocade


Through the branches are also lighting, trailed, is thirsty sleepy eyes


你好,很高兴能回答你的问题,汤姆被叫去了操场用一般现在时?这个问题其实相对还是比较简单的,这个问题与我而言,在英语当中,一般现在时的动词都会加上ing形式的,所以汤姆被叫去了操场可以用,一般现在时为:Tom is asking to grandround

tom plays football in the playground 改为一般疑问句?

我的答案是 tom plays football in the playground 这句话的意思是汤姆在操场踢足球,改为一般疑问句为Does tom play football in the playground?意思是汤姆在操场踢足球吗?

