

1. 创新能力:创业需要对当前市场状况有清晰的认识,并且能够凭借具有独特性、未来发展前景可观的产品或服务颠覆传统方式。

2. 运作效率:初始时间不仅是运作速度快慢的体现,也是一定程度上决定成败的因子。3. 管理水平:优秀的团队才能实现真正意义上的创业成功。4. 风险意识及风险承受能力:风险对于初创企业都很重要, 但如何合理地承受风险却也相当重要。5. 投入耗费 : 孤注一掷显然没什么用, 胜败在大小中间选择正合情理之道, 依此来衡量将事半功倍已是不易之事。6. 持续学习: 在竞争日益激���化、市场处在快速变化中, 对新信 息、新思想都应随时汲养学以自用


1. Idea: Every successful business starts from a good idea. Before you start any business, think carefully about the concept and feasibility of your business plan.

2. Planning: Having a well-developed and realistic plan is essential for success in any entrepreneurial venture. You need to develop a detailed strategy that outlines how you will make money, track progress, reach customers, grow over time and more.

3. Resources: It's important to assess the resources - financial capital, human resources, production facilities etc - needed before starting any business endeavor so as to ensure their ready availability when required during operations later on.

4. Networking & Marketing: Establishing relationships with VIP clients or potential partners as well as understanding what makes your product stand out can be beneficial for gaining market share and keeping an edge over compe *** s in the long run. A strong marketing strategy must also be developed in order to effectively promote the products/services being offered by your company among potential customers and stakeholders alike .

5 Determination & Persistence : Starting up a new enterprise requires determination , hard work , dedication , stamina , resilience and most of all – perseverance . In spite of facing challenges along the way , it is important not to lose sight of goals set beforehand . Keeping focused on long term objectives can help maintain motivation even during difficult times .


A. 决心

B. 资金

C. 管理技能

D. 时机

